
A National Crisis: The Outrage of 41,312 Gender-Based Violence Cases in Eswatini

Let's talk about the bombshell report out of Eswatini: over 41,000 cases of gender-based violence in just four years! This isn’t just shocking—it’s infuriating. It’s a glaring testament to the systemic failure to protect the most vulnerable. The roots of this crisis run deep, embedded in outdated cultural norms and a legal system that’s not doing nearly enough. Traditional gender roles and entrenched patriarchy fuel this epidemic. Cultural practices often place women in subordinate positions, making violence a tool of control. These norms aren’t just outdated—they’re deadly. It’s maddening that in 2024, we’re still grappling with these medieval mindsets. The legal response? Let’s be real: it’s woefully inadequate. Yes, Eswatini has laws against GBV, like the Sexual Offences and Domestic Violence Act of 2018, but enforcement is a joke. Cops and courts are ill-equipped, undertrained, and often just plain indifferent. This has got to change. Survivors need to see justice, not face mor

Empowering Eswatini Women: Intersectional Feminism in Action

As someone deeply committed to equality and social justice, I find the women’s movement fascinating yet often frustrated by how certain marginalized groups are sidelined even within progressive spaces. It’s disheartening that while we all strive for equality, some voices remain unheard. That’s why I’m inspired by collectives whose mission is dedicated to empowering marginalized groups and fostering inclusive opportunities for them, which I believe is revolutionary. Consider this: LGBTQ+ women, disabled women, migrant and refugee women, rural women, homeless women, and young girls each face distinct challenges that mainstream feminism sometimes overlooks. It’s not just about gender; it's about how gender intersects with other factors like disability, socioeconomic status etc. This intersectionality means these women confront compounded discrimination, making their struggles even more daunting. For instance, LGBTQ+ women often contend with marginalization based on both their gender i

Celebrating Fathers Day

In the dawn’s tender embrace, I see you, Fathers, Standing tall, unwavering, Like ancient trees rooted in the earth. To those who nurture with hands calloused from work Whose whispers calm the storms, You are the solid foundation of our lives, The silent, steadfast guide. For those who cradle dreams, Lifting hopes high above, In your eyes, we see the future, In your arms, we find our strength. But there are those, shadows cast, Whose presence is but a memory, A whisper of what could have been, In their absence, resilience blooms. To those who now reside in eternity, Nestled in the embrace of the ancients, Your legacy dances in the stars, Your love, an everlasting echo. You who walked away, left voids deep, Still, in the hearts you left behind, Strength emerges, forged in fire, A testament to love’s endurance. Today, we sing your praises, In a chorus rich and deep, For every lesson taught, every tear shed, In joy and sorrow, we remember. Fathers, you rise, In the fabric of our being, A


 In Eswatini's hills, where shadows dance, A woman stands with quiet stance, Her heart a prism, light refrains, In hues of love, unbound by chains. She walks through whispers, eyes that pry, In fields where freedom feels a sigh, Her love a secret, tender flame, In a land where silence cloaks her name. The rivers sing of ancient ways, Yet in her heart, new rhythm plays, A song of courage, truth unfurled, A rainbow spirit in a monochrome world. In village squares, beneath the stars, She dreams of breaking iron bars, Of loving freely, bold and clear, Without the weight of whispered fear. Her laughter, like the morning dew, Is precious, fleeting, pure and true, Each smile a protest, bright and strong, Against the silence, harsh and long. She loves with all the colors, bright, In hidden places, out of sight, Her spirit dances, wild and free, In quiet acts of bravery. Through Eswatini's valleys green, She is the spark, the unseen queen, A beacon in the night so vast, A future brighte

Being a Queer Woman in Eswatini: Navigating Tradition, Stigma, and Emerging Hope

Eswatini, formerly known as Swaziland, is a nation rich in cultural heritage and traditions. Nestled in Southern Africa, it is renowned for its breathtaking landscapes, vibrant festivals, and a monarchy that deeply influences its social fabric. However, for queer women and the broader LGBTQ+ community, life in Eswatini can be challenging due to deep-seated cultural conservatism and legal restrictions. Cultural and Legal Landscape In Eswatini, traditional values play a central role in daily life. The country is known for its patriarchal structures and adherence to customary laws, which often marginalize LGBTQ+ individuals. Homosexuality is not explicitly mentioned in the national constitution, but same-sex relationships are criminalized under colonial-era laws that remain in effect. This legal framework creates an environment where queer women and other LGBTQ+ individuals face the constant threat of arrest and prosecution. Stigma and Discrimination Social stigma against LGBTQ+ individua